GSCC Lesson 13
Revision of Lesson 01-12
If you are new to this series, here’s the links to past lessons:
We had covered all the family chords and their siblings in key of C and G Major:

Key of C major and G major are common keys used by guitarist to play sing-along guitar.
We also looked at the guitarist best friend – CAPO , and it’s application.

When we use the CAPO in conjunction with chords from C and G keys above , we are able to play almost every pop songs we wanted to play.
We have also looked at some basic strumming patterns:
1 | One strum per beat |
2 | Up-stroke strumming |
3 | Strumming lightly on first few strings |
4 | 16 beat strum |
5 | Campfire Strum |
6 | “Chuck” Strum |
7 | 3/4 Strum |
8 | 6/8 Strum |
And we had explored some basic pluckings.
1 | 8 beat pluck #1 |
2 | Double string pluck |
3 | 3/4 Pluck |
4 | “Alternate Bass” Pluck |
5 | 6/8 Pluck |
Last week, we learned about 6/8 time signature and how we can strum and pluck in this musical feel:

And of course, we had fun learning all these songs !!
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How To Come Out With Your Own Strumming Pattern
- Try to mimic drumming.
- Use bass strings (strings 4-6) as kick drum. Use treble strings (strings 1-3) as snare strums.
- Keep the 8/16 beat movement going while accent the kick and snare beats.

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How To Come Out With Your Own Plucking Pattern
- Start the plucking pattern with bass string (played by right hand’s thumb – “T”)
- Fill in rest of the beats by playing combination of 1st 3 strings (right hands index, middle, ring fingers – “1,2,3”).
- Example : T1231231, T1213121, T3213213 , etc.

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Searching For Chord Charts Online
- Open google
- Type the song name followed by “guitar chords”. eg. “Over The Rainbow Guitar Chords”

3. Find a site with the chords and lyrics

4. Click the site.
5. Take note of the information about the song.

6. Follow the chords and lyrics and have fun!

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Melody Notes In Key Of C
So far, we had been playing chords on the guitar. Let’s start playing some melody notes!

C Major melody notes (the six lines represents six strings on guitar, the top line is the thinnest string. The number represents which fret to press. )

Upper Octave

Lower octave

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Let’s play our first instrumental on guitar – “Happy Birthday”!
It’s easy! Let’s try it!

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Melody Notes In Key Of G
Here’s melody notes of G Major:

Next octave:

Lower octave:

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Let’s do “Happy Birthday” in key of G!
Let’s look at another time signature which is similar to 3/4.